Articles in "Civil Administration"
‘Environmental Terrorism’: Illegal Palestinian Dumping Turns Judea and Samaria Into Hazard Zones
A comprehensive environmental hazards in Judea and Samaria report released on Wednesday paints a grim picture of severe air, water, and ...
Israel to Advance Plans for 1,000 Homes in Eli in Response to Terror Attack
The office of Prime Minister Benjamin Nentanyahu announced on Wednesday that plans to build 1,000 homes in the Samarian community of Eli ...
Hearing on Israel’s Controversial E1 Housing Project Postponed Again
Israel has postponed for the third time a hearing on a proposed housing project in the E1 (East 1) zone east of Jerusalem. The project ...
Activists Warn of Irreparable Damage to Nature, Archeology and Security from Illegal Arab Quarries in Judea and Samaria
Representatives of the Forum for the Fight against the Quarries Program arrived on Wednesday at the illegal quarries in Seir and Dahariya ...
IDF’s Civil Administration Aiding Illegal Arab Construction, Court Petition Says
The Regavim Movement has submitted a petition to the High Court of Justice alleging that the Civil Administration, an arm of the Ministry ...
Exposure: PA Intelligence Corruption and Land Theft – Why the Civil Administration Official was Really Abducted
Nidal Atari is a resident of the Palestinian Authority (PA), serving as a senior official in the Real Estate Department of the Israeli ...
Exposed: This Is How The PA is Infiltrating the Ministry of Defense’s Civil Administration
The Palestinian Authority's (PA) Preventive Security Service has been successful in infiltrating the Civil Administration, the Ministry of ...
Israeli-Owned Vineyards in Samaria Will Not be Destroyed, Will be Replanted
Israeli-owned vineyards in the Shiloh area in Samaria that were in danger of being uprooted even though the court had thrown out Arab ...
Police Plans to Uproot Israeli-Owned Vineyard in Samaria, Residents Call for Struggle
Senior Border Police and the police commanders conducted a preparatory tour in the Gush Shiloh area on Wednesday ahead of the planned ...
State Plans to Uproot Israeli-Owned Vineyard in Samaria, Even Though Arab Ownership Claims Refuted
The IDF has set in motion preparations to uproot Israeli-owned vineyards in the Shiloh area in Samaria as soon as next week, even though ...