Articles in "United Hatzalah of Israel"

Weddings and Hygiene Kits to Families: Israeli Orgs Assist Refugees Fleeing War in Ukraine

Israeli and Jewish organizations continued to stream aid and financial support to refugees fleeing Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as more ...

‘Our Common Goal is Saving Lives’: Jewish and Muslim EMTs Run in Unison to Save a Life

Four United Hatzalah volunteers were participating in an advanced EMT training class on Monday night. Three of them were Jewish men, Alon ...

Nearly 30 Injured in Jerusalem Building Fire

Nearly 30 people were injured in an early Tuesday morning fire in a complex of six apartment buildings on Sorotzkin Street in the Romema ...

Orthodox Women Strike It Out On Their Own To Run Ambulance Service

As she walks into the headquarters of United Hatzalah of Israel in Jerusalem, Rachel Frier is stopped time after time by Orthodox women who ...