Photo by Elyashiv Rakovski/TPS on 21 June, 2023
Funeral of terror victim Nachman Mordof
Hundreds of Israelis gathered in Shiloh in Samaria to pay their last respects to 17-year-old Nachman Mordoff. Nachman Mordoff, a resident of the Samarian community of Ahiya, was one of four Israelis killed in a Palestinian terror attack the day before. Two terrorists opened fire at a gas station near the Samarian town of Eli. Shiloh, Jun 21, 2023. Photo by Elyashiv Rakovski/TPS
Photo Details
- 1024 x 683
- 144.10 KB
- Elyashiv Rakovski/TPS
- June 21, 2023
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Family, Funeral, Funeral of terror victim Nachman Mordof, FuneralOfTerrorVictimNachmanMordof230621, Terror, Terror Victim