Photo by BTA on 21 March, 2022

Bulgaria Supports Measures to Reduce EU Dependence on Russian Fossil Fuels, Save Gas

World News Agencies By BTA - Bulgarian News Agency • 25 July, 2022

Jerusalem, 25 July, 2022 (TPS-IL) -- SOFIA, 25.07.2022 (BTA)
Bulgaria expresses its support in principle for the measures set out in the REPowerEU Plan to reduce the EU’s dependence on Russian fossil fuels and to join efforts to achieve a more sustainable energy system and secure energy supplies for the European Union, reads the official Bulgarian position, which will be presented at the extraordinary meeting of EU energy ministers scheduled for Tuesday, the Energy Ministry told BTA.

With regard to the EU’s preparedness in case of a complete cut-off of gas supplies from Russia as early as 2022, the proposals in the European Commission package are in the right direction, taking into account the national specificities and starting positions of each member state, as well as providing the necessary flexibility to achieve the goals, the Energy Ministry added.