Amona Supporters Demonstrate in Modi’in, 30.10.16
Curated on October 30, 2016
Jerusalem, 30 October, 2016 (TPS) --
Protesters in Support of Amona
Demonstrators in support of Amona community, outside home of Transportation Minister Yariv Levin. Si…
By Mordechai Yurvetsky/TPS on October 29, 2016
Amona Demonstration
Demonstration in favor of Amona community outside Demonstrators in support of Amona community, outsi…
By Mordechai Yurvetsky/TPS on October 29, 2016
Tourism Minister Yariv Levin
Tourism Minister Yariv Levin speaks to protesters outside his home, 30.10.2016
By Mordechai Yurvetsky/TPS on October 29, 2016
Protesters Demonstrate in Support of Amona
Demonstrators in support of Amona community, outside home of Transportation Minister Yariv Levin. Si…
By Mordechai Yurvetsky/TPS on October 29, 2016