Articles in "Demonstrations"

Israeli Protesters Demand Hostage Deal, Early Elections as War Enters Ninth Month

Israeli anti-government protesters calling for new elections and a hostage deal blocked highways and demonstrated outside the homes of ...

‘I Have No Campus to Go Back To’: Israeli Students Denounce US University Demonstrations

Israeli students studying at Columbia and Harvard Universities denounced American administrators for mishandling pro-Palestinian ...

Protests in Jerusalem Ahead of Final Knesset Votes on Judicial ‘Reasonableness’ bill

Several streets in Jerusalem were blocked to traffic on Sunday after thousands of demonstrators descended upon Israel’s capital the ...

Israelis Protest Judicial Overhaul After Knesset Advances Legislation

Opponents of the Israeli government's judicial overhaul initiative began blocking highways and interchanges across the country on Tuesday ...

Israeli Right Organizing Mass Rally In Support of Judicial Reform

Israeli right-wing organizations are expecting hundreds of thousands of Israelis to arrive in Jerusalem for a rally in support of the ...

Israeli Lawmaker: Foreign Governments Funding Anti-Netanyahu Demonstrations

European governments provide substantial funding to the multiple organizations that are behind the anti-Netanyahu demonstration around the ...

Foreign Countries Funding Legal Defense for Anti-Netanyahu Demonstrators

Foreign countries are funding the legal defense for anti-Netanyahu protesters at the prime minister's residence on Balfour Street in ...

Hundreds Protest Against Netanyahu, Demanding Deportation of Terrorists’ Families

Jerusalem (TPS) - Hundreds of Israelis attended a demonstration organized by the Judea and Samaria (Yesha) Council outside the weekly ...