Articles in "electronic cigarettes"

Israel’s Smoking Epidemic: 8,000 Deaths Annually and Rising Youth Use

Some 8,000 Israelis a year die of smoking-related causes, including second-hand smoke, according to a Health Ministry report released on ...

Survey Finds Rise in Israeli Smoking Since October 7

Cigarette smoking among Israelis has risen since October 7, according to a survey released on Tuesday by the Israel Cancer Association. The ...

Israeli Health Ministry Reports Rising Number of Students Smoking

An Israeli Health Ministry report on cigarette smoking released on Tuesday spotlighted a growing trend with grave consequences. "It is ...

Teenager Hospitalized With Collapsed Lungs After Smoking Electronic Cigarettes

A 16-year-old Israeli boy has been hospitalized with collapsed lungs after smoking electronic cigarettes, the Schneider- Children's Medical ...

Health Ministry Will Tax Phillip Morris eCigarette

IQOS, an electronic cigarette produced by tobacco giant Phillip Morris, will be taxed in Israel at the same rate as regular cigarettes, the ...