Articles in "Hamas"

Errant Hamas Rockets Kill 2 Palestinians Sheltering in UNRWA School

A failed Hamas rocket barrage launched from a humanitarian area struck a United Nations school in Khan Yunis, killing two Palestinians and ...

Israel Strikes More Than 60 Hamas Targets in Gaza

The Israeli Air Force struck more than 60 Hamas targets in Gaza while also battling the terror group's efforts to re-establish itself in ...

Israelis Favor Stronger US and Arab Ties, Support for Two-State Solution Wanes: Survey

Israeli support for good relations with the US and moderate Arab states remains high, but support for a two-state solution has diminished ...

Israel Strikes Regrouping Hamas in Khan Yunis

Israeli forces struck Hamas positions in Khan Yunis where the terror group is trying to regroup, the Israel Defense Forces said on ...

Israeli Forces Kill Tulkarem Terror Commanders

The Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) confirmed on Tuesday that it killed Tulkarem refugee camp's heads of Hamas and the Al Aqsa Martyrs ...

Errant Hamas Rocket Strikes Gaza School, Israel Launches New Khan Yunis Offensive

An errant rocket fired by Hamas struck a Palestinian school in Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces said on Tuesday morning. The rocket, ...

Fragmented Hamas Shifting From Combat to Survival Mode

The security establishment in Israel estimates that Hamas is in a phase of survival and no longer trying to strengthen itself. From ...

Israel Confirms Deaths of Two Hostages in Gaza

The Israeli military said on Monday it had confirmed the deaths of two hostages held by Hamas in Gaza based on new intelligence ...

Israel Warns Khan Yunis Residents of New Push Against Hamas, Redraws Humanitarian Zone Boundaries

The Israeli military continued pressing Hamas in central and southern Gaza during the last 24 hours, altered the boundaries of the Al ...

Hamas Leaders in Turkey Instructed, Funded Birzeit University Terror Cell

Israeli security forces broke up a terror cell made up of Palestinian college students acting on behalf of Hamas figures based in Turkey ...