Photo by Hillel Maeir/TPS on 8 November, 2016

Deputy Defense Minister: Challenges to Demolition Orders are 'Legal Terrorism'

By Admin • 7 March, 2017

Jerusalem, 7 March, 2017 (TPS-IL) -- Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan (Jewish Home) accused “radical left-wing groups” of employing “judicial terrorism” against Israel by asking the High Court of Justice to protect illegal Palestinian building in Judea and Samaria.

Speaking in Hebrew to Israel Radio, Ben-Dahan said the Justice Ministry would dedicate two lawyers to defending Judea and Samaria.

The number of Palestinian appeals to the Israeli Court against demolition orders for illegal buildings has doubled over the past year, but the Civil Administration has only managed to provide state prosecutors with relevant statistics to bolster the state’s position in about a quarter of the relevant cases.