Deputy Prime Minister Addresses Albania-Israel Economic Forum
Jerusalem, 7 September, 2023 (TPS-IL) -- TIRANA, September 7/ATA
The work of the Albania-Israel economic forum started today in Tirana.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Belinda Balluku declared today that Albania has become one of the most attractive countries for foreign businesses, as according to her, the state-forming reforms have given an extraordinary result.
In her speech at the business forum, Balluku invited Israeli business to increase their presence in Albania.
“It is a forum that takes place between two countries with a long history of friendship and cooperation,” she said.
“But what is more important, it is a forum that is addressed to Israeli and Albanian business, and obviously the Albanian Government is clear that business is the engine the main economic development of the country and in the conditions where we are today, in a historical momentum for the development of Albania, of course the partnership with countries that have a history similar to ours to some extent, but that have advanced through challenges and trials is undoubtedly the best cooperation good”, said Balluku.
Deputy Prime Minister Balluku pointed out that in recent years there has been a growing dialogue between Albania and Israel and undoubtedly this dialogue has been profoundly constructive.
“In January I visited Israel and met many of my colleagues in key sectors. We have discussed concrete projects, we have started a close cooperation with the National Cyber Security Agency, one of the world’s agencies of excellence. Now AKCESK, the Albanian National Cyber Security Agency, is in a close partnership with the Israeli Agency,” she emphasized.
Balluku also acknowledged Israel’s support for coping with the cyber attack last year.
She announced that the cooperation between the two countries was not only in the economic and commercial sphere, but there was a close diplomatic cooperation, especially in international organizations, supporting each other.
Today’s forum, she emphasized, seeks to promote cooperation between Albanian and Israeli business representatives.
“It is a forum that seeks to open new fields and new horizons, now that Albania has become one of the most attractive countries for foreign businesses. I say this, based on facts and figures, since all the state-forming reforms we have made have undoubtedly given an extraordinary result,” Balluku stressed.
She noted that around 105 Israeli companies operate in Albania, while trade exchanges are estimated at 57 million euros in 2022.
“From the referenced data, it appears that trade exchanges between our countries were 40 million euros for 2021 and went to 57 million euros in 2022. In the 6th month of 2023, they are calculated at 21 million euros. 105 Israeli businesses with active status operate in our country, in various fields, such as production, trade, electricity distribution, import, export, etc., said Balluku.
She pointed out that there are requests for cooperation in infrastructure as well.
A positive step, the minister also considered the establishment of a direct line between the two countries from June of this year after a disconnection of several years.
“During 2022, the number of Israeli visitors was 7,346 and increased by 61%, compared to 2021. During the first half of this year alone, 6,500 Israeli visitors were counted. Albania is experiencing one of its historical moments, in energy or tourism, and Israeli business cannot be absent from this scene,” she said.