Israel Opens Economy Almost Completely
Jerusalem, 7 March, 2021 (TPS-IL) -- Israel entered another phase on Sunday of reopening its economy as the situation of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic improved in the country, with the school system almost completely opening and restaurants providing service after months of being closed.
Israel’s rapid vaccination campaign has significantly positively impacted the state of illness in the country, pushing all the COVID-19 related stats down.
The Cabinet approved on Saturday night the Health Ministry’s updated regulations for the third phase for the exit plan, and students in grades 7-10 returned to classes, joining the rest of the education system.
Institutions of higher education and professional instruction and post-secondary religious institutions also opened, with some limitations.
Event venues opened with up to 50% occupancy and with no more than 300 people.
Restaurants opened with indoor seating for Green Pass holders who received two vaccinations, up to 75% occupancy and no more than 100 people. Outdoor seating is open to everyone.
Dining rooms in hotels commenced operations.
Stadiums and large cultural events also returned, with some limitations.
The prohibition on the entry of Israelis into the country was canceled and all Israeli citizens and permanent residents can enter Israel, after weeks of restrictions and closure of the skies.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told “Fox & Friends” on Thursday that Israel is “rushing towards herd immunity.” Israel is “setting the model for the world” regarding the country’s vaccination effort, he said.
“We’re sharing our experiences with the US [and] with every other country,” Netanyahu said.
More than 90% of Israelis aged 50 and over have received at least the first dose of the Pfizer-developed vaccine, with the highest inoculation rate among the 70-79 age group.
“90% of Israelis, all ages above 16 years, have been jabbed at least once, many of them twice and the others are recovering,” Netanyahu said.
“Israel used to be known and is known as a startup nation,” he continued. “From today, it’ll be also known as the vaccination nation.”
The Ministry of Health updated Saturday night that it documented 3,716 new COVID-19 cases over the past day.
Of the 105,467 tests done over the past day, a dropping 3.6% returned positive.
710 of the patients hospitalized with Corona are in serious condition, 234 of them are on life support. The numbers here have been steadily dropping.
Over 4,925,000 Israelis have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, some 53% of the population.
5,856 Israelis have died of the virus.