Photo by Yoav Dudkevitch/TPS on 31 January, 2024

Israeli Authorities Intercept 120 Kg of Unsafe Meat Intended for Ramadan Meals

Crime By Pesach Benson • 28 March, 2024

Jerusalem, 28 March, 2024 (TPS-IL) -- Israeli Ministry of Agriculture inspectors thwarted an attempt to smuggle 120 kg of unsafe mutton from the Palestinian Authority on Thursday.

During a routine inspection of a private car at the Meitar crossing near Beer-Sheva, authorities found the unrefrigerated meat in plastic bags. The suspects could not provide proper documentation for the meat.

The suspects eventually admitted that they intended to sell it in the Beer-Sheva area to families breaking the Ramadan fast. The mutton originated in the Palestinian village of Yatta, in the Hebron area.

The issue of smuggling illegal Palestinian meat into Israel is particularly significant during holidays such as Ramadan, when demand for meat rises.

The suspects are residents of the Beer-Sheva area, in their 30s.

The meat was destroyed.