Photo by Admin on 15 October, 2024

Israeli Police Officer Killed in Shooting Attack, Terrorist Killed by Medical Volunteer

Public By Pesach Benson • 15 October, 2024

Jerusalem, 15 October, 2024 (TPS) -- An Israeli police officer was killed and four people were injured when a terrorist opened fire at passersby at a traffic junction in the coastal town of Yavne on Tuesday.

The terrorist was eventually killed by a responding Magen David Adom volunteer who had acquired a gun permit only three months ago.

“I was driving and noticed a man with a weapon standing on the road, at first I thought it was a policeman, then several shots were fired at me, I ducked, and immediately after that I jumped out of the vehicle, I pulled out the gun and shot him, I feel that I fulfilled my civic duty,” said the unidentified medic in a statement released by MDA.

In a statement, Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s office said, “The citizen who killed the terrorist at the Yavne interchange received his personal weapon about three months ago, as part of the reform led by the Minister of National Security Ben-Gvir. Thanks to his personal weapon, he prevented a greater disaster.”

The terrorist is believed to have arrived at a junction on Route 4 by foot. He opened fire on a passing police car, then shot at other vehicles.

Police ruled out a second shooter after a manhunt.

Killed in the attack was a 30-year-old police officer.

“Unfortunately, we lost a police officer here who engaged to neutralize a terrorist and save civilians. Other civilians were injured, and the officer paid with his life.” said Israel Police Commissioner Daniel Levy.

Three of the injured are being treated at the Assuta Ashdod Public Hospital in Ashdod. The hospital said one victim was a 42-year-old man in moderate condition who suffered upper body injuries when his car window shattered during the shooting. Also injured was a doctor who works at Assuta who was injured while assisting at the scene. He and another victim were also in moderate condition.

A fourth victim was being treated at the Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot. He was described as a 42-year-old man in moderate condition with a gunshot wound to the lower part of his body.