Photo by ATA/TPS on 12 September, 2024

Israeli President Arrives in Albania for Historic Visit

World News Agencies By ATA Albania • 12 September, 2024

Jerusalem, 12 September, 2024 (TPS) -- TIRANA, Sept. 12, 2024/ATA — Israeli President Isaac Herzog made a historic arrival in Albania on Thursday, becoming the first Israeli leader to the visit the predominantly Muslim country.

Herzog was received by his counterpart, Albanian President Bajram Begaj.

Bilateral cooperation, developments in the Western Balkans region, Kosovo, the situation in the Middle East and cyber security issues were the focus of their one-on-one conversation.

President Begaj considered this visit as an excellent opportunity to find new opportunities to strengthen cooperation, expressing his and Albania’s commitment in this regard.

“Albania and Israel are friendly countries that share unique historical moments, which unite us forever,” said Begaj.

“Every Albanian,” he added, ” “is proud when he remembers the protection of the Jews during the Second World War.”

Begaj stressed that Albanians in Kosovo and in the Western Balkans share the same feelings and, in this respect, the recognition of Kosovo’s independence from Israel is a very important  and positive geopolitical decision.

Herzog will meet with the descendants of Albanian citizens recognized as “Righteous Among the Nations” for their efforts in saving Jews during the Holocaust, and also attend a ceremony at Tirana’s Holocaust memorial.

He is accompanied by a delegation of Israeli business leaders and officials who will explore opportunities for industrial and economic cooperation with their Albanian counterparts.

Regarding the developments in the Balkans, Begaj said that due to the geopolitical positioning, the region is vulnerable to threats, including terrorism and extremism, migration, hybrid threats, cyber security and the presence of third destabilizing actors. “Albania,” he emphasized, “remains grateful to Israel for the contribution made to increase its cyber defense capacities in very difficult and critical circumstances” after Iran’s cyber attacks in 2022.

During the face-to-face meeting, the heads of the two states talked about developments in the Middle East region.

“Albania has strongly and unequivocally condemned the terrorist attacks of October 7, 2023 by Hamas against Israel. This is unprecedented and cannot be justified by anything,” Begaj said. He stressed Albania’s condemnation of the kidnapping of civilians, women, the elderly and children, and has called for the immediate release of innocent civilians.

“We welcome the immediate and unconditional release of all the hostages” Begaj said while repeating the call for humanitarian aid to continue for all those in need and we wish an end to the suffering of the civilian population.

Begaj reiterated Albania’sa support for a  peace plan presented by US President Joe Biden, which would lead to a lasting ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all hostages, increased humanitarian aid to Gaza, as well as diplomatic talks leading to a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Herzog visited Serbia the day before.