Ninth KvARTal Festival Celebrates “The Spirit of Old Sofia”
Jerusalem, 24 July, 2024 (TPS-IL) -- SOFIA (BTA)
“The Spirit of Old Sofia” will be the theme of the ninth KvARTal festival (September 13-15), the organizers said on Wednesday.
The focus will be the early twentieth century when the commercial and bohemian quarter was born with its iconic Commercial Street, numerous monumental buildings that housed writers, doctors, booksellers, photographers, merchants, and royal guests.
“We will transport ourselves to the old center of Sofia from the beginning of the last century and the Art Nouveau era, we will take out the archives, the photos, and the stories that we will turn into exhibitions and tours, we will enter the homes, hear first-person accounts and enjoy the cultural program of the temporary pedestrian spaces, watch a procession of vintage cars, dance in the style of the era, and the atmosphere will transport us to the former bohemian quarter in the spirit of old Sofia,” the organizers said.
They are convinced that cultural and architectural heritage is the charm of any city, and this is exactly the case of the old center of Sofia, in the “KvARTal” square between the “Dondukov”, “Maria Luisa”, “Slivnitsa” and “Vasil Levski” boulevards, where through various events for nine years they have been working to build a network, communication and ecosystem between history, old houses, small businesses and crafts, turning together the old center of Sofia into one of the most attractive urban points.