Photo by MIA News Agency on 19 October, 2020

North Macedonia Has Secured Money for COVID-19 Vaccine Purchase

World News Agencies By MIA • 16 November, 2020

Jerusalem, 16 November, 2020 (TPS-IL) -- Skopje, 16 November 2020 (MIA) – Money has been secured in the budget to procure vaccines and drugs against COVID-19, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi announced at Sunday’s TV debate.

For COVID-19 shots, 390 million denars (EUR 6.7 million) have been set aside and 67.5 million denars for the drug Remdesivir.

“90 million out of the World Bank loan is secured for vaccines. At the annual meetings, WB officials told us they would provide additional assistance for vaccines only,” Besimi told the MTV debate, adding there was enough finding for vaccine procurement.

Speaking at the debate, PM Zaev said some 800,000 shots would be procured.

North Macedonia will get the vaccines through the COVAX facility. Zaev said they would be paid for in advance in early December and the rest, EUR 6.7 million, in early 2021.

“If necessary, we’ll secure more money,” he stated.

Greece, the PM added, has ordered vaccines also for North Macedonia and Albania and I was told by European Commission President Ursual von der Leyen on Friday that the Commission had decided to procure vaccines for the six Western Balkan countries in addition to the EU countries.

2020-11-16 09:45:22, from Bisera Altiparmakova