Photo by AGERPRES on 11 November, 2020

Romania’s COVID-19 Case Count Rises by 9,005; Tests Performed in The Last 24 Hours: 36,271

World News Agencies By AGERPRES • 26 November, 2020

Jerusalem, 26 November, 2020 (TPS-IL) -- Bucharest, Nov 26 /Agerpres/ – As many as 9,005 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Romania were recorded in the last 24 hours, following 36,271 tests nationwide, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication task force, reported on Thursday.

These are cases of patients that had not previously tested positive.

As Thursday, 449,349 cases of people infected with the novel coronavirus were confirmed in Romania.

A total of 323,514 people were declared cured.

According to the GCS, to date, 4,011,887 tests have been processed nationwide. Of these, 36,271 were performed in the last 24 hours, 22,829 based on the case definition and medical protocol and 13,442 on request.

Also, since GCS’s previous daily reporting the results of 620 tests processed before the last 24 hours and submitted until November 26 were reported.

Another 171 people (105 men and 66 women) infected with the novel coronavirus died, bringing Romania’s COVID-19 total death toll to 10,712.

According to the GCS, 163 of the deaths were in patients with comorbidities, four did not have comorbidities, and four have not been reported to date.

As many as 13,248 COVID-19 patients are hospitalised in specialist health facilities, of which 1,226 in intensive care.

In Romania, 48,458 people confirmed with the new coronavirus infection are in isolation at home and 12,376 are in institutional isolation.

Also, 70,873 people are in quarantine at home, and 58 in institutionalised quarantine.

In the last 24 hours, law enforcement issued 6,652 fines amounting to 1,090,675 lei, for violations of Law 55/2020 on measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to GCS, the first place in the country in terms of positivity rate Sibiu County with 7.63 per 1,000 population, down from Wednesday’s 7.98.

Next are Constanta County with 7.1, up from Wednesday’s 6.89, and Brasov County with 7.02.

Bucharest has a positivity rate of 6.56 per 1,000 population, slightly lower than on Wednesday, when it was 6.62.

A high positivity rate is also recorded in the counties of Cluj – 6.93, Alba – 5.84, Arad – 5.37, Timis – 5.36.

The counties with a low 14-day cumulated positivity rate are Gorj – 1.55, Harghita – 1.65 and Olt – 1.75.

None of the country’s counties are in the green zone.