Team of Scientists Determine Where RSV 421 Will Drop Anchor to Collect Samples during 32nd Antarctic Expedition
Jerusalem, 18 January, 2024 (TPS-IL) -- A team of Bulgarian scientists, part of the 32nd Antarctic Expedition, are detecting depths and geographical coordinates, thus determining where the Bulgarian military research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) will drop anchor to collect samples with the probe and bottom sampler. The coordinates are being detected by Assoc. Prof. Lyubomir Kenderov (hydrobiologist) and Assoc. Prof. Raina Hristova (marine geologist) .
RSV 421’s commanding officer Captain Nikolay Danailov, together with Kamen Nedkov, commander of the Bulgarian Antarctic Base (BAB), expedition member Elka Vassileva, geologist Kalin Naydenov, marine biologist Mark Irvine, Assoc. Prof. Kenderov Prof. Eliza Uzunova (ichthyologist and hydro biologist) and Assoc. Prof. Raina Hristova are planning the next points to be sampled.
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During the 32nd Bulgarian expedition to Antarctica, which started on November 8, 2023, the Bulgarian News Agency (BTA) is publishing video interviews with Antarctic researchers. Video journalist Emil Granicharov, Senior Editor at BTA, will document the work of the researchers in video diaries. BTA presents all scientific projects with videos, photos and texts prepared before the scientists’ departure.
The Bulgaria-Antarctica BTA’s Log again provides coverage of the voyage of the Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii to Antarctica and back and its stay there, as it did during the 31st expedition between December 27, 2022 and May 2, 2023. Back then, only BTA had a correspondent, Daily News Editor Konstantin Karagyozov, who covered the 127-day expedition with text, video and photos during the entire voyage (including across the Atlantic in both directions) and throughout the stay in Antarctica. In June 2023, BTA published in Bulgarian and in English an issue of its LIK magazine “To Antarctica and Back under the Bulgarian Flag” dedicated to the historic expedition.
All of BTA’s information on the Bulgarian scientific research in Antarctica and the support provided by the Bulgarian naval research vessel, as well as on the other activities at the Bulgarian Antarctic Base, will be available to all media outlets in Bulgarian and in English on BTA’s website in the Bulgaria – Antarctica: BTA’s Log section.
BTA has a National Press Club on board the ship and is planning to open a National Press Club at the Bulgarian Antarctic Base on Livingston Island.