Photo by Hillel Maeir/TPS on 20 October, 2016

Yesha Council Rejects Netanyahu's Statement

By Admin • 19 February, 2017

Jerusalem, 19 February, 2017 (TPS) -- The Yesha Council, the Judea and Samaria Settlers Movement, has announced it opposes Prime Minister Netanyahu’s decision to form a joint US-Israeli settlement committee.

The PM made the announcement about the committee at today’s weekly cabinet meeting.

“After eight years of an almost total freeze on settlement construction, it’s time Israel embarked on an expedited building program designed to significantly increase the Jewish population in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley.”

“While we welcome the PM’s statements about the warm and friendly relationship he has with President Trump, this cannot change the fact that ultimately it is up to us, and us alone, to determine our destiny.”

“Since returning to power in 2009, Netanyahu’s governments have, on average, approved construction of 1,600 new homes per year in Judea and Samaria. During his first term (1996-99), the number was more than double, averaging 3,500 units per year.”

When asked by TPS what if any action the  Council intended to take, its spokesperson Elnatan Zecharia said that no specific action was planned. “We have made our position clear, and will wait and see how things develop before deciding on any specific action.”

The PM’s bureau refused to comment on this matter, saying it had nothing to add to the PM’s statement to the cabinet this morning.

Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Homeland), the party most identified with the settlers, is also keeping mum. Neither party leader Education Minister Naftali Bennet, nor Agricultural Minister Uri Ariel, the party’s most right wing minister, have been willing to say anything on this matter.