Moshe Leon

Jerusalem awaits the “Coral” cold storm

The Mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Leon, stands with the municipal employees, who are preparing for action with the help of mechanical engineering equipment, in preparation for the snow that is expected to fall in the coming days with the arrival of the "Coral" cold storm. Jerusalem, Feb 19, 2025. Photo by Yoav Dudkevitch/TPS-IL

2024 Israeli municipal elections

Moshe Leon, the current mayor of Jerusalem and the candidate for another term, opened the morning of election day for local authorities in Israel at the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Feb 27, 2024. Photo by Elron Zabatani/TPS

Jerusalem awaits the Snow

Emergency meeting in Jerusalem's City Hall, following the meteorological systems' prediction of heavy snowfall, with the participation of Moshe Leon, Jerusalem's Mayor. Jerusalem, Jan 16, 2019. Photo by Aviv Hertz/TPS

Jerusalem’s Mayor changing ceremony

Nir Barkat, the outgoing Mayor of Jerusalen speaks at the Jerusalem's Mayor changing ceremony with Moshe Leon, the incoming Mayor. The ceremony took place at the Jerusalem City Hall in Safra Square. Jerusalem, Dec 4, 2018. Photo by Esty Dziubov/TPS