Temple Mount Sifting Project
Temple Mount Sifting Project Restores the Courtyard Flooring of the Second Temple
Dr. Gabrial Barkey, co-founder and director of the Temple Mount Sifting Project Project 06.09.2016
Temple Mount Sifting Project Restores the Courtyard Flooring of the Second Temple
Jackie Snyder (L), mathematician, expert in Judaic studies and volounteer in the Temple Mount Sifting Project with Zachi Dvira, co-founder and director of the Project 06.09.2016
Temple Mount Sifting Project Restores the Courtyard Flooring of the Second Temple
Jackie Snyder, mathematician, expert in Judaic studies, volounteer in the Temple Mount Sifting Project 06.09.2016
Temple Mount Sifting Project Restores the Courtyard Flooring of the Second Temple
Jackie Snyder, mathematician, expert in Judaic studies, volounteer in the Temple Mount Sifting Project 06.09.2016
Temple Mount Sifting Project Restores the Courtyard Flooring of the Second Temple
Jackie Snyder, mathematician, expert in Judaic studies, volounteer in the Temple Mount Sifting Project 06.09.2016
Temple Mount Sifting Project Restores the Courtyard Flooring of the Second Temple
Jackie Snyder, mathematician, expert in Judaic studies, volounteer in the Temple Mount Sifting Project 06.09.2016
Temple Mount Sifting Project Restores the Courtyard Flooring of the Second Temple
Jackie Snyder, mathematician, expert in Judaic studies, volounteer in the Temple Mount Sifting Project 06.09.2016
Temple Mount Sifting Project Restores the Courtyard Flooring of the Second Temple
Jackie Snyder, mathematician, expert in Judaic studies, volounteer in the Temple Mount Sifting Project 06.09.2016
Temple Mount Sifting Project Restores the Courtyard Flooring of the Second Temple
Jackie Snyder, mathematician, expert in Judaic studies, volounteer in the Temple Mount Sifting Project 06.09.2016
Temple Mount Sifting Project Restores the Courtyard Flooring of the Second Temple
Tzachi Dvira (R), Dr. Gabriel Barkay (Center Right), co-founders and directors of Temple Mount Sifting Project in presentation of the restored tiles of the Second Temple during Herodian Rule; Jackie Snyder (Center Left) mathematician and volounteer in the Project; and Assaf Avraham (L) of the Israel Nature and Parks Protection Authority 06.09.2