Terror Attack

Fatal ramming attack in Samaria

Security forces at the Givat Assaf junction, between Ofra and Bethel in the Binyamin region on Highway 60, after a ramming attack in which a reservist was critically wounded. A terrorist from the Palestinian town of Rafat in Samaria arrived at the junction driving a Palestinian gas tanker and collided violently with a bus stop. The Palestinian ...

Car ramming terror attack near IDF Camp Yigael Yadin in Tsrifin, central Israel

Police force and paramedics at the scene of a car-ramming terror attack in Nir Tzvi intersection, near IDF Camp Yigael Yadin Tsrifin, where four Israelis were injured, including one in critical condition, when a terrorist accelerated his car towards Israelis waiting at a bus stop and ran over them, continued driving and carried out another ...

Celebrating in Gaza the murder of seven Israelis in Jerusalem

Residents of Gaza City celebrating the murder of seven Israelis by a Muslim terrorist, resident of East Jerusalem, who opened fire on people on their way out from a synagogue in Jerusalem after finishing Friday night Sabbath prayers. Gaza, Jan 27, 2023. Photo by Majdi Fathi/TPS

Car-ramming terror attack near Keidar Settlement

IDF forces and ambulances at the site of an attempted car-ramming attack against a group of Israeli policemen near Keidar Settlement. Keidar, June 18, 2020. Photo by TPS

Continuing Malachi’s Way in memory of Malachi Rosenfeld

Continuing Malachi's Way – A child holding an Israeli flag, stands on the route of the march in memory of Malachi Rosenfeld from Kohav Hashahar, who was murdered three years ago in a terror attack, when returning home from a basketball game. Malakhei HaShalom, Jun 25, 2018. Photo by Hillel Maeir/TPS *** Local Caption *** ממשיכים בדרך ...

Press conference with Ish – Ran family

Shira Ish - Ran during a press conference in Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem. Shira and Amichai Ish-Ran lost their son after he was born prematurely after Shira was shot in the terror attack in Asaf Hill junction. Jerusalem, Dec 16, 2018. Photo by Esty Dziubov/TPS *** Local Caption *** מסיבת העיתונאים של משפחת איש רן ...

Terror attack in Binyamin

Terror attack near Deir Nidham and the military outpost Newe Yair. A big stone was thrown at a car and penetrated the windshield, a woman was minor injured. Nov 13, 2017. Photo by TPS *** Local Caption *** ????? ????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ? ??? ????? ? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ????? ????? ????? ????

Stabbing and shooting attack in Ariel

Police force and IDF soldiers at Ariel Junction, one of the scenes of the double terror attack, in which two Israelis were murdered, Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger and IDF soldier Gal Keidan and one soldier was seriously injured. The stabbing and shooting attack took place in Gitai Avisar Junction and in Ariel Junction. Ariel, Mar 17, 2019. Photo by Eytan ...

Terror attack near Jerusalem

IDF soldiers at IDF Kiosk checkpoint near the entry way to Maale Adumim in Jerusalem area, where a Border Police soldier was moderately injured in a car ramming and stabbing terror attack. Jerusalem, Apr 22, 2020. Photo by TPS

Terrorist Shot Dead After Attacking Police on Temple Mount

Israeli border policemen at the scene of the shooting attack near the Lions Gate in the old city of Jerusalem, where a police officer was lightly hurt and the terrorist was shot dead by other officers. Jerusalem, Feb 6, 2020. Photo by Yehonatan Valtser/TPS