
Kibbutz Meirav

Volunteers harvest grapes in the vineyards of Kibbutz Meirav on the slopes of Mount Gilboa on June 10, 2024. In the background is a security fence marking the Green Line and the Palestinian Authority village of Jalbun, from where terrorists fire on the kibbutz. Photo by Yoav Dudkevitch/TPS-IL


Volunteers at Kibbutz Meirav on the slopes of Mount Gilboa help harvest grapes on June 10, 2024. Photo by Yoav Dudkevitch/TPS-IL

agricultural volunteers

Volunteers at Kibbutz Meirav on the slopes of Mount Gilboa help harvest grapes on June 10, 2024. Photo by Yoav Dudkevitch/TPS

Volunteers picking grapes in aid of Kibbutz Meirav

In light of the ongoing situation in Israel and the shortage in working hands, volunteers came to work during the harvest time in the vineyard of Kibbutz Meirav on the slopes of Mount Gilboa, near the city of Beit She'an. Meirav, Jun 10, 2024. Photo by Yoav Dudkevitch/TPS