Photo by Ran Dahan/TPS IL on 6 June, 2024

Funeral of First Sergeant Raphael Coudres Killed in Hezbollah Strike on Arab Village

Security and Defense By TPS   •   6 June, 2024

Jerusalem, 6 June, 2024 (TPS) -- Funeral of First Sergeant (res.) Raphael Coudres in Kfar Etzion, south of Jerusalem.

Coudres, who was 39 years old and from the town of Tzur Hadassah – located just south of Jerusalem – died Thursday of his wounds, after being fatally Wednesday in the Hezbollah drone strike on the Druze village of Hurfeish in the north of the country. The Druze are a small minority religion within the Arab world.

Coudres served as the coordinator of tradition and spirit in the IDF’s (Israel Defense Forces) 5030th Infantry Battalion, in the 228th “Alon” (Oak) Brigade.

Kfar Etzion, June 6, 2024
Photo by Ran Dahan/TPS IL