Photo by Shimon Baruch/TPS IL on 2 June, 2024

In the Midst of a Heat Wave Israeli Police Deal with Ultra-Orthodox Protesters Blocking a Highway

Protests By TPS   •   2 June, 2024

Jerusalem, 2 June, 2024 (TPS) -- An “illegal” demonstration was held on Highway 4 near the city Bnei Brak, just east of Tel Aviv, by ultra-orthodox people during the Sunday evening rush hour (Sunday is the first day of the work week in Israel) who blocked main intersections to traffic to protest plans to require the people from their communities serve in the Israeli military.

Four people described by the police as “troublemakers” were arrested for blocking traffic there. Highway 4 is a central Israel highway that connects Ashkelon in the south to Haifa in the north and the protestors blocked traffic at one of its busiest areas.

Israel’s High Court of Justice began hearing petitions on Sunday morning against a government plan to exempt Orthodox men from mandatory military service. The Haredi, or Orthodox parties in Benjamin Netanyahu’s government have threatened to quit the coalition should the court impose conscription.

Bnei Brak, June 2 2024
Photo by Shimon Baruch/TPS IL