Photo by TPS on 24 April, 2016
Tour In the Gush Region Commemorating Terror Victim
Dozens of Israelis took part in a tour on Sunday, April 24, 2016, from the Gush Etzion Junction to Karmei Tzur. The tour commemorated Eliav Gelman, a 30 year old reserve officer in the IDF from Karmei Tzur, who was killed in a friendly fire incident during an IDF attempt to stop a stabbing attack at the Gush Etzion Junction.
(Photo Credit: Tzipi Shlisel/TPS)
Photo Details
- 4096 x 2304
- 3.36 MB
- April 24, 2016
Tagged In
Gush Etzion, Gush Etzion Stabbing Attack, Karmei Tzur, Passover