Photo by Eitan Elhadez-Barak/TPS on 2 September, 2020
Slichot tour at Yatir Forest
Blowing the Shofar during Slichot (forgiveness) tour with KKL-JNF at Yatir Forest in the north-western Negev. The Slichot special prayers recited in the weeks preceding Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Asa'el, Sep 2, 2020. Photo by Eitan Elhadez-Barak/TPS
Photo Details
- 1024 x 683
- 40.58 KB
- Eitan Elhadez-Barak/TPS
- September 02, 2020
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Candles, Night, oil lamp, Prayer, selichot, Shofar, Slichot tour at Yatir Forest, SlichotTourAtYatirForest200902, Yatir Forest