Photo by Tsuriya Zeevi/TPS on 23 March, 2023
Rally against the proposed changes to the legal system
Protesters against the proposed changes to the legal system rally at Karkur junction on road 65 as part of nationwide protests in a “National Day of Paralysis”.
Earlier in the morning, the Knesset passed the Impeachment Law, which would protect Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from the possibility of a court-ordered recusal.
The law’s supporters say they are responding to years of judicial overreach. Opponents of the legislation say the law was tailored to protect Netanyahu, who is on trial for fraud, bribery and breach of trust stemming from three separate investigations.
It has been speculated that the Supreme Court or the Attorney General may order Netanyahu to recuse himself from office during the trial due to conflicts of interest. Pardes Hannah, Mar 23, 2023. Photo by Tsuriya Zeevi/TPS
Photo Details
- 1024 x 769
- 99.86 KB
- Tsuriya Zeevi/TPS
- March 23, 2023
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Demonstration, Flags, Karkur junction, Rally against the proposed changes to the legal system, RallyAgainstTheProposedChangesToTheLegalSystem230323