Photo by Gideon Markowicz/TPS on 28 May, 2023
Protest against the bill banning waving Palestinian flags on Israeli campuses
MK Ofer Cassif from Hadash party is seen among the Arab protesters and far-left-wing activists waving Palestinian flags during a demonstration at Tel Aviv University against Knesset legislation that would ban waving Palestinian flags in Israeli campuses on May 28, 2023. Photo by Gideon Markowicz/TPS
Photo Details
- 1024 x 682
- 86.32 KB
- Gideon Markowicz/TPS
- May 28, 2023
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Flags, Ofer Cassif, placards, posters, Protest against the bill banning waving Palestinian flags on Israeli campuses, ProtestAgainstTheBillBanningWavingPalestinianFlagsOnIsraeliCampuses230528