Photo by Yossi Zeliger/TPS on 9 August, 2023
Ultra-Orthodox vacationers enjoy the Bein Hazmanim vacation
Jewish Orthodox families spend time at a separate beach in the city of Bat-Yam during the Bein Hazmanim (between the semesters) vacation, when the official studies of Yeshivas students are suspended. Bat-Yam, Aug 9, 2023. Photo by Yossi Zeliger/TPS
Photo Details
- 1024 x 627
- 103.80 KB
- Yossi Zeliger/TPS
- August 09, 2023
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Beach, Children, families, Sea, Ultra Orthodox, Ultra-Orthodox vacationers enjoy the Bein Hazmanim vacation, UltraOrthodoxVacationersEnjoyTheBeinHazmanimVacation230809