Photo by Kobi Richter/TPS on 24 January, 2017
David Ignatius, Associate Editor, Washington Pos
David Ignatius was born in May 1950 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He graduated BA Magna Cum Laude in Social Studies from Harvard College and has an economics diploma from King’s College, Cambridge University. Since 2003 he has authored a twice-weekly, globally distributed column on global politics, economics and international affairs. From 2000-2003 he was executive editor of the International Herald Tribune. From 1993-1999 he was assistant managing editor for business news at the Washington Post, foreign editor from 1990-1992, editor of Outlook section from 1986-1990 and from 1976-1985 he reported for Wall Street Journal (1980-1983 as Middle East correspondent and 1984-1985 as chief diplomatic correspondent). Numerous publications of his have appeared in Foreign Affairs, The New York Times Magazine, Atlantic Monthly and others. Ignatius is the author of nine novels, including “Body of Lies” which was made into a movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Ridley Scott. His latest novel, “The Director,” is about hacking and espionage. He is a fellow of the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center and has taught as an adjunct lecturer at HKS.
Photo Details
- 4928 x 3280
- 7.34 MB
- Kobi Richter/TPS
- January 24, 2017