Photo by Kobi Richter/TPS on 17 September, 2019
Candidates for Israel’s prime ministership
The two candidates for Israel's prime ministership in the 2nd Elections 2019, for the 22nd Knesset: Benny Gantz of Blue and White party (L) and Benjamin Netanyahu of The Likud party (R). Sep 17, 2019. Photo by Kobi Richter/TPS
Photo Details
- 4928 x 3280
- 435.56 KB
- Kobi Richter/TPS
- September 17, 2019
- Worldwide
Tagged In
22nd Knesset, 2nd Elections 2019, 2ndElections2019, Benjamin Netanyahu, Benny Gantz, Blue and White's leading quartet, BlueAndWhitesLeadingQuartet190917, Party