Photo by Yehonatan Valtser/TPS on 24 November, 2019
Christmas tree lighting event at YMCA Jerusalem
The city of Jerusalem prepares for Christmas, the annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ and lights the Christmas tree at the Jerusalem International YMCA sports center in Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Nov 24, 2019. Photo by Yehonatan Valtser/TPS
Photo Details
- 2880 x 1920
- 451.84 KB
- Yehonatan Valtser/TPS
- November 24, 2019
- Worldwide
Tagged In
annual festival, celebration, Christian liturgical year, Christmas in Israel, Christmas tree lighting event at YMCA Jerusalem, ChristmasTreeLightingEventAtYMCAJerusalem191124, cultural, fir tree, Holiday, Jesus Christ, Jingle Bells, lights, New Year, ornaments, Religious, Santa Clause, star, YMCA sports center