Photo by Eytan Schweber/TPS on 11 February, 2020
Tu bi Shvat festival in Har Hebron
Tree plantings in south-east Har Hebron area, near Karmel
settlemen, in celebration of Tu bi Shvat festival, the New Year of Trees in Jewish tradition. Karmel, Feb 9, 2020. Photo by Eytan Schweber/TPS
Photo Details
- 1920 x 1280
- 461.39 KB
- Eytan Schweber/TPS
- February 11, 2020
Tagged In
Arbor day, Carmel, forest, Har Hebron, seeding, seedling, Trees, Tu bi Shvat festival in Har Hebron, Tu BiShvat, TuBiShvatFestivalInHarHebron200209, TubiShvatJewishHoliday