Photo by Avraham Hillel Schreiber/TPS on 20 February, 2020
Ultra-Orthodox Jews protest against public transportation
Ultra-Orthodox Jewish residents of the city of Bet Shemesh protesting against the poor public transportation system in Beit shemesh. Bet Shemesh, Feb 18, 2020. Photo by Avraham Hillel Schreiber/TPS
Photo Details
- 6000 x 4000
- 609.45 KB
- Avraham Hillel Schreiber/TPS
- February 20, 2020
Tagged In
Bet Shemesh, Bus, Bus station, charadi, crain, Demonstration, Protest, Rally, Signs, Ultra-Orthodox Jews protest against public transportation, UltraOrthodoxJewsProtestAgainstPublicTransportation200218