Photo by Eitan Elhadez/TPS on 2 March, 2020
Likud party event on Election Night
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C), his wife Sarah and Likud's Knesset members, at the Likud party event on elections night at Tel Aviv Conventions Center in Ganei HaTaarucha, after first results were publicized. Tel Aviv, Sep 18, 2019. Photo by Eitan Elhadez/TPS
Photo Details
- 1600 x 1066
- 540.39 KB
- Eitan Elhadez/TPS
- March 02, 2020
Tagged In
22nd Knesset, 2nd Elections 2019, 2ndElections2019, Benjamin Netanyahu, Conventions Center in Ganei HaTaarucha, Likud party faction event, LikudPartyEventOnElectionNight190918, LikudPartyFactionEvent190917, Party, Sarah Netanyahu