Photo by Kobi Richter/TPS on 17 December, 2019
Memorial ceremony honoring fire victims in Mount Carmel
Gilad Erdan, Minister of Public Security, speaks at the national ceremony at Mount Carmel, south of the city of Haifa, in memory of the 44 Israel Prison Service officer cadets and senior police officers, who were killed in the deadliest fire in Israeli history in 2010. Bet Oren, Dec 17, 2019. Photo by Kobi Richter/TPS *** Local Caption *** טקס זיכרון ממלכתי ל חללי אסון ה שריפה בשנת 2010 ב הר הכרמל נערך ליד אנדרטת הזיכרון ב הר.
כרמל חיפה צוערים נספים אנדרטה חללים
גלעד ארדן
Photo Details
- 1024 x 682
- 131.61 KB
- Kobi Richter/TPS
- December 17, 2019
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Gilad Erdan, Memorial ceremony honoring fire victims in Mount Carmel, MemorialCeremonyHonoringFireVictimsInMountCarmel191217