Photo by Majdi Fathi/TPS on 24 October, 2020
Protest in Gaza against Charlie Hebdo, French satirical magazine
Protest in the town of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, against the French satirical weekly magazine, Charlie Hebdo, which features cartoons of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed. Rafah, Oct 24, 2020. Photo by Majdi Fathi/TPS
Photo Details
- 1024 x 683
- 85.71 KB
- Majdi Fathi/TPS
- October 24, 2020
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demontration, InsideGaza, Protest, Protest in Gaza against Charlie Hebdo, French satirical magazine, ProtestInGazaAgainstCharlieHebdoFrenchSatiricalMagazine201024, Rafah, Signs