Articles in "Research and Science"

Bacterial Immune System Discovery May Transform Understanding of Human Viral Defense

Israeli researchers unveiled a novel bacterial immune system that may transform science's understanding of human immunity how to combat ...

New Hope for Paralyzed Patients as Israeli Researchers Achieve Thought-Driven Speech

An Israeli breakthrough to enable speech through the power of thought offers new hope for those paralyzed by conditions such as ALS, ...

New 3D-Printable Sensors Push Boundaries of Physical AI and Soft Robotics

Israeli researchers have made a significant breakthrough in the field of Physical Artificial Intelligence (PAI) by creating advanced ...

Israeli Innovation in Step Length Monitoring Offers Hope for Patients With Neurological Disorders

In an advance for medical monitoring, Israeli researchers have developed an innovative method for more accurate and continuous tracking of ...

Israeli Findings on a Hidden Brain Hub Open Path for New ADHD Treatment

Israeli researchers identified a specific brain region's crucial function in controlling alertness levels in a study shedding light on the ...

The Art of Origami Revolutionizes Sensor Placement in 3D-Bioprinted Tissues

While three-dimensional bioprinting is revolutionizing the ability of scientists to engineer human tissue and develop personalized ...

Cognitive Abilities in Bats Challenges Human Uniqueness, Israeli Researchers Find

Wild bats possess cognitive abilities previously considered exclusive to humans, Israeli scientists have discovered. By tracking ...

New Israeli MRI Technique Offers Hope for Early Pancreatic Cancer Detection

Pancreatic cancer is notorious for its late detection and high mortality rate, but a new Israeli approach to magnetic resonance imaging ...

This Israeli Self-Repairing Glass Might Revolutionize Satellites, Biomedicine, and More

Israeli researchers on Sunday unveiled a highly transparent, self-repairing adhesive glass that forms spontaneously upon contact with ...

Colliding Photons Create New Vortices as Israeli Scientists Make Quantum Discovery

In a turn of events that could have implications for the development of quantum computing, Israeli scientists stumbled upon a new type of ...