Articles in "Jenin"

‘Anyone Who Works in Agriculture is Like a Soldier’: Kibbutz Meirav’s Harvest Under Fire

The vineyards of Kibbutz Meirav stretch out along the verdant slopes of Mount Gilboa. In this little corner of Israel, the altitude, ...

Two Roadside Bombs Used in Deadly Jenin Attack, Israeli Army Confirms

The Israel Defense Forces confirmed that two roadside bombs were used in a deadly attack on soldiers during a counterterror operation in ...

Facing a Growing Terror Threat: Gan Ner Residents Worry About Another October 7

A new front for Palestinian terror is opening up in Israel's Gilboa region as residents reveal growing levels of attacks from Jenin and the ...

Palestinian Authority Losing Control of Samaria as ‘Hamas Presses the Gas’

The Palestinian Authority is losing control in northern Samaria as Hamas intensifies its efforts to boost its influence in the area's towns ...

Israeli Forces Launch Counterterror Raid in Jenin Refugee Camp

Israel launched a counterterror operation in the Jenin refugee camp on Tuesday morning, the Israel Defense Forces confirmed. Some 30 ...

Islamic Jihad Commander Killed in Rare Airstrike on Jenin

In a rare Israeli airstrike in Samaria, an Israeli fighter jet and helicopter destroyed a Palestinian Islamic Jihad operations center in ...

‘Hundreds’ of Palestinian Terror Suspects Detained in Jenin Refugee Camp Raid

Israeli security forces commented for the first time on a counter-terror raid in the Jenin refugee camp on Wednesday, saying hundreds of ...

Israeli Forces Destroy Explosives Laboratories in Jenin Refugee Camp

Israeli security forces raided the Jenin refugee camp on Wednesday, destroying tunnel shafts and laboratories for preparing explosives, the ...

Jenin’s Islamic Jihad Chief Killed During Israeli Counter-Terror Raid

Muhammed Zubeidi, the commander of Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists in the Jenin refugee camp was killed during a counter terror raid, ...

Israel Kills Five Terrorists in Jenin Raid, Destroys Explosives Lab

Five Palestinian terrorists were killed and an explosives laboratory in the Jenin refugee was destroyed in an overnight counter-terror ...