Articles in "JNF"

Hezbollah Rocket Barrage Sparks Fires in Israeli Nature Reserves

Israeli firefighting crews are battling blazes across the Galilee and Golan sparked by a heavy Hezbollah rocket barrage on Thursday. The ...

Ancestral Echoes, Modern Mission: American Jewish Volunteers Lend Helping Hand to Israel

"It's surreal to be traveling through the very landscapes where our father once tread," remarks Gail Belfer, her voice tinged with emotion. ...

Israel’s JNF and Chad Join Forces to Combat Climate Crisis and Desertification

Israel's Jewish National Fund (JNF) and the Republic of Chad in Central Africa have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to promote ...

Bennett Govt. Folds, Stops Planting Amid Bedouin Violence

The government, led by Naftali Bennett, has apparently succumbed to the violence of Bedouin clans rioting and to political pressure exerted ...

PA will Sue the JNF at ICC for Alleged War Crimes

The Palestinian Authority (PA) plans to sue the Jewish National Fund (JNF) at the International Crimes Court (ICC) in The Hague, PA Prime ...

Exposed: Arabs Silently Taking Over Lands in Gush Etzion

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has recently increased its efforts to take control of a strategic area in the Nahal Heletz area between ...

Coalition Members Face Off Over JNF Demands; Bitan: Issue Could Force Elections

The cabinet ratified a bill in a special session Tuesday, directing the Jewish National Fund to transfer 80% of it’s annual income to ...

Paratrooper’s Son Pays a Photographic Tribute

When Alon Wald, the marketing manager of Jerusalem's Ammunition Hill National Memorial decided to initiate a photography exhibit ...

2,000 Young Magen David Adom Volunteers Plant Trees to Celebrate Tu Bishvat Holiday

As part of an annual tradition marking Tu Bishvat (a Jewish holiday celebrating a seasonal “New Year” for trees),  2,000 young Magen ...

Trees Planted by KKL-JNF to Protect Israeli Communities on Gaza Border

While a wave of knife-stabbing and car-ramming attacks has engulfed Israel over the past few months,  the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael - Jewish ...