Articles in "MDA"

Teen Killed in Car Crash During Rocket Alert Siren Was Son of Popular Israeli Singer

A 17-year-old Israeli killed in a car accident during a rocket siren alert on Sunday was identified as Noam Yehiel, son of popular singer ...

75-Year-Old Man Drowns in Dead Sea

A 75-year-old man drowned in the Dead Sea on Wednesday. Paramedics from Magen David Adom declared the man dead after unsuccessful ...

Teddy Bear Care Takes the Mystery Out of Medical Treatment

A sports center in the Israeli city of Holon was converted into a "hospital for bears" by Israel's Magen David Adom emergency response ...

MDA Opens Israel’s National Missile-Resistant Underground Blood Bank

Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s emergency medical service, inaugurated on Monday the world’s first subterranean, and shielded national ...

Israel’s MDA Donates 6 All Terrain Ambulances to Ukraine

Israel's Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency service has donated six all-terrain (4x4) ambulances to the people of Ukraine, following the ...

4 Israelis Murdered in Terrorist Stabbing Attacks in Be’er Sheva

Two different stabbing attacks were perpetrated by terrorists Tuesday afternoon in the southern Israeli city of Be’er Sheva – one at a ...

Israel’s Magen David Adom Establishes Aid Call Center for Ukraine Refugees

Member of Knesset Alex Kushnir met on Monday with MDA Director-General Eli Bin and agreed on a joint initiative to establish a special call ...

21 Bedouin Trained by Israel’s MDA as Medics

Twenty-one Bedouin from the Kuseife area in southern Israel concluded advanced life-saving training by Israel's Magen David Adom emergency ...

Delegation of Senior Moldovan Health Ministry Officials in Israel to Learn from MDA Emergency Services

A delegation of senior officials from the Moldovan Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) is arriving in Israel this ...

Israeli Emergency Team Works to Save Life of Arab Worker from PA

An Arab working at a stone factory within the Palestinian Authority (PA) was severely injured on Wednesday, and MDA volunteers from the ...