Articles in "Shin Bet"

Israeli Forces Kill Tulkarem Terror Commanders

The Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) confirmed on Tuesday that it killed Tulkarem refugee camp's heads of Hamas and the Al Aqsa Martyrs ...

Israel Busts Palestinian Terror Cell Plotting Attacks, Kidnappings

Israeli authorities foiled a Palestinian terror cell in the Aqabat Jaber refugee camp near Jericho planning attacks on Israelis, it was ...

Hamas Leaders in Turkey Instructed, Funded Birzeit University Terror Cell

Israeli security forces broke up a terror cell made up of Palestinian college students acting on behalf of Hamas figures based in Turkey ...

Israeli Authorities Break Up Iranian Spy Ring, Arrest Three Nationals

Israeli authorities arrested three Israeli nationals suspected of carrying out various security tasks under the direction of Iranian ...

Israel-Arabs Arrested For Providing Weapons to Terror Groups

Israeli security forces arrested three Israeli-Arabs suspected of providing guns and explosives to Palestinian terrorists in Judea and ...

Anger, Finger-Pointing as Israel Releases Dozens of Hamas Detainees

Israeli officials were angered to learn that dozens of Palestinian terror suspects arrested in Gaza were unconditionally released and ...

Israeli-Arab Teen Arrested After Trying to Join ISIS

Israeli authorities arrested a 17-year-old Israeli who sought to carry out terror activities on behalf of Islamic State, it was cleared for ...

Israel Foils Hamas Terror Plot Masterminded From Turkey

Israeli authorities thwarted a deadly terror attack directed from Hamas's offices in Turkey, it was cleared for publication on ...

Israel Arrests Palestinian Trying to Carry Out Terror Attacks for ISIS

Israeli authorities arrested a Palestinian man from eastern Jerusalem who sought to carry out terror attacks for the Islamic State (ISIS) ...

Israel Thwarts Islamic Jihad Bomb Plot

Israeli security forces thwarted a Palestinian terror cell operating under the direction of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad headquarters in ...