Articles in "Ziv Medical center"

Tiberias Water Park Closed Amid Fears of Brain-Eating Amoeba

A popular water park was closed and dozens of Israelis recently there streamed to emergency rooms amid fears of a rare brain-eating amoeba ...

Ten-Year-Old Boy Battles for Life in Israel’s Newest Suspected Case of Brain-Eating Amoeba

A ten-year-old boy is hospitalized in critical condition with encephalitis that Israel's Health Ministry said on Wednesday was likely ...

Iran, Hezbollah Hackers Attacked Israeli Hospital’s Systems

Israeli authorities disclosed on Monday that Iran and Hezbollah launched a cyber attack on an Israeli hospital. According to Israel's ...

Quick-Thinking Israeli Midwife Saves Mother and Baby

A mother and baby boy were able to be discharged from an Israeli hospital in good health on Monday after a quick-thinking midwife saved ...

Israeli Hospital Deploys Drones to Save Time, Save Lives

Ziv Medical Center in Tzfat will become the first hospital in Israel to use drones to transport medical equipment, drugs, and blood and ...

US Official Praises Israel’s Treatment of Syrian Refugees

US Deputy Assistant Secretary Secretary of State Michael Ratney said Monday he was “astounded” by Israel’s humanitarian treatment of ...