Photo by Yoav Dudkevitch/TPS on 22 August, 2023

Israeli Authorities Approve New Community Near Jerusalem

Jerusalem By Pesach Benson • 29 February, 2024

Jerusalem, 29 February, 2024 (TPS) -- The Israel Defense Forces signed off on the final paperwork to establish a new Jewish community near Jerusalem on Tuesday.

The community, named Mishmar Yehuda will encompass 100 acres adjacent to Maale Adumim and east of the Israeli capital.

“This is an enormous gift for the residents of Gush Etzion,” said Shlomo Ne’eman, who heads the Gush Etzyon Regional Council. Ne’eman also heads the Yesha Council, an umbrella organization for all the communities in Judea and Samaria.

“It is our best answer to terrorism and to those who want to deprive us of our ancestral land. This is our answer to extremists who want to remove us from the place where our forefathers tread. This is also our answer to the nations of the world,” said Ne’eman.

“We will continue onwards and strengthen Gush Etzion with more residents, more schools, more roads and more kindergartens. Together we will triumph,” added the Yesha Council head.

The formal approval of Mishmar Yehuda’s municipal boundaries comes against the backdrop of Finance Minister Betazlel Smotrich’s recent announcement that he will submit plans for the construction of 3,300 housing units in Judea and Samaria in response to Thursday’s deadly terror attack at a checkpoint near Jerusalem.