
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trial

Yedioth Ahronoth publisher, Arnon "Noni" Mozes, arrives for a court hearing at the District Court in Jerusalem in the trial of PM Benjamin Netanyahu in the bribery, fraud and breach of trust trial. Jerusalem, Jul 15, 2024. Photo by Yoav Dudkevitch/TPS

PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s trial

Minister of Justice Yariv Levin arrives at the District Court in Jerusalem to testify in the 2000 case in the trial against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu which resumes today. Jerusalem, May 21, 2024. Photo by Elad Zagman/TPS

Moshe Arbel

Moshe Arbel, now Interior Minister, at the Supreme Court building in Jerusalem on Jan. 16, 2022. Photo by Shalev Shalom/TPS

Kobi Shabtai

Israeli Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai speaking in Tel Aviv on Sept. 4, 2023. Photo by TPS

The Israel Bar Association elects a new head

Temporary chairman of the Israeli Bar Association, Attorney Amit Becher, arrived at a voting station in Tel Aviv to cast his vote for the Israeli Bar Association's head on June 20, 2023. Photo by Yossi Zeliger/TPS

PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s trial

Leader of the Opposition Yair Lapid arrives at the District Court in Jerusalem for testimony in the 1000 case of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's trial. Jerusalem, Jun 12, 2023. Photo by Elad Zagman/TPS

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trial

PM Benjamin Netanyahu's former Chief of Staff and a state's witness Ari Harow arrives at the District Court in Jerusalem for a court hearing in the 2000 case in the bribery, fraud and breach of trust trial against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Jerusalem, May 29, 2023. Photo by Yoav Dudkevitch/TPS

Channel 13 against MK Miri Regev defamation lawsuit

MK Miri Regev and Channel 13 reporters arrive at Jerusalem's Supreme Court for a hearing on the case of Channel 13 defamation lawsuit against MK Miri Regev. Jerusalem, Nov 30, 2022. Photo by Shalev Shalom/TPS

Adalah petitions against citizenship law at the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of Israel during a sitting on Adalah (The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel) petitions against the citizenship law banning Palestinian family unification. Jerusalem, Dec 1, 2022. Photo by Shalev Shalom/TPS

Jasmin Jabar indicted of links to Hezbollah

Jasmin Jabar, an Arab woman from East Jerusalem, arriving handcuffed at the District Court in Jerusalem. Jasmin Jabar was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison following charges of contact with officials in the Hezbollah terrorist group and attempt to recruit Israeli Arabs to the organization. Jerusalem, Jul 4, 2021. Photo by Shalev ...