Glances in "Agriculture" Category

Israelis Volunteer to Pick Grapes Due to Labor Shortage Caused by War

Israelis have stepped up and volunteered to work in agriculture in areas in the north of the county. Local residents were forced to ...

Israeli Veterinarians Take Good Care of Animals Like This Two-Humped Camel

The eye of an 18-year-old two-humped camel at the safari in Ramat Gan gets treated by doctors there. Also known as the Bactrian camel, ...

Honey Extraction

A beekeeper dressed in protective clothing against bee stings gathers honey from honeycombs near the village of Kfar Yehezkel in the ...

Volunteers Helping Evacuated Gaza Area Farms Pick Grapefruit

In the shadow of the heavy fighting going on in Gaza, volunteers pick grapefruits in the orchards of Kibbutz Yad Mordechai, near the ...

Beehives in the Upper Galilee

Beehives in a field in the Upper Galilee, near the Israel-Lebanon border. Israelis were forces to evacuate the area shortly after the ...

Israel Is Bringing Foreign Workers to Help Fill Agricultural Needs

Israeli farms near the borders of Gaza and Lebanon like the one pictured have been relying on volunteer labor since the Hamas attack on ...

People Volunteer to Work in the Harvest at Evacuated Kibbutzim Near Gaza

Israelis step up and help with the work in the fields of Kibutz Be'eri, one of the kibbutzim devasted in the Hamas October 7 massacre. ...

Israeli Volunteers Help with Harvests at Gaza Area Farms

Israelis have stepped up and volunteered to go down to the farms near Gaza that were abandoned due to the war and including ones devastated ...

Volunteers from All Over Israel Are Pitching in at Farms Near Gaza

Volunteers help with the harvest at farms near Gaza that were forced to be evacuated. Pictured here are volunteers at Moshav Mavki'im near ...

Ripe Grapes Ready for Harvest in a Vineyard Located in Gush Etzion