Glances in "Archaeology" Category

2,700 Year-Old Stone Seal Unearthed Near Jerusalem’s Temple Mount

Navot Rom, an archeological inspector from the Israel Antiquities Authority, holds a rare and unusual stone seal, dating back approximately ...

Antiquities in the East Binyamin Region

A Byzantine-Era Mosaic Floor Was Recently Uncovered in Gaza

The Restored Ancient Samboski Jewish Cemetery on the Southern Slope of Mount Zion in Jerusalem

4,500 Year Old Statue of Canaanite Goddess Anat

The rare stone statue of Anat, the Canaanite goddess of love, beauty and war. The 22-centimeter (6.7-inch) statue, which dates back 4,500 ...

Roman Era Engravings Found In Beer Sheva Construction Dig

  Rare engraving of ships and animals dating back to the Roman period from the first and second century CE have come to light in ...

New archaeological tourist site opens in Hebron

Tel Hebron - A new archeological site in the Hebron neighborhood of Tel Rumeida was opened on Tuesday. The site includes recently uncovered ...