Glances in "Education" Category

Chabad/Lubavitch Children Celebrate Receiving Their First Bible

A large festival was held at the Yad Eliyahu sports arena in Tel Aviv Monday to celebrate when, at the end of the first grade year of ...

Children in Sderot Return to School 5 Months After October 7 Attack

Sderot children returned to school in their city located just north of Gaza for the first times since the October 7 massacre five months ...

Israel Kids Returned to School on Friday

Israeli Ultra-Orthodox Students Return to Studies After Summer Break

Its Back to School Shopping Time

Children at Jerusalem’s Bloomfield Science Museum

Minister of Education Accuses Incoming Coalition of Holding ‘Liquidation Sale of Education System’

Sign Welcomes First Graders Back as Israel Starts New School Year

Israeli Teachers Were Prepared Thursday for First Day of School Year as Always on Sep 1

Israeli Kids Head Back to School Thursday After Teachers’ Strike Averted at the 11th Hour