Photo by Yehonatan Valtser/TPS on 10 February, 2020
MK Heba Yazbak at the Supreme Court in Jerusalem
Heba Yazbak (C), MK for the Joint List party, talks to the press at the Supreme Court in Jerusalem, after she appealed the Central Elections Committee's decision to bar her from running in the upcoming elections on March 2, 2020 over a social media post in which she expressed support for armed terror against Israel. Jerusalem, Feb 5, 2020. Photo by Yehonatan Valtser/TPS
Photo Details
- 3840 x 2560
- 430.47 KB
- Yehonatan Valtser/TPS
- February 10, 2020
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Ayman Odeh, Elections 2020, Elections2020, Heba Yazbak, MK Heba Yazbak at the Supreme Court in Jerusalem, MKHebaYazbakAtTheSupremeCourtInJerusalem200205, Mtanes Shihadeh, Party, Politics